Our Teachers
Tejpal Kaur

– Why do I practice Kundalini Yoga?
After years of exploring and experimenting with many spiritual practices from different traditions, Kundalini yoga supports my connection to my true essence. It was clear to me, after my very first class, that Kundalini Yoga would become the core of my daily spiritual practice.
- Why do I you teach it?
We live in a world of radical chaos where the linear mind becomes over stimulated. From there many distortions occur: depression, anxiety, isolation, addiction, to name a few. The practice of Kundalini yoga creates radical shifts toward oneness by transmuting deep limiting patterns in one’s life. Teaching Kundalini Yoga helps me go deeper into my own practice, and it gives me deeper meaning to my life purpose.
- About Tejpal
Tejpal is a teacher, an energy healer, and an author. To learn more about Tejpal go to www.tejpal-inspires.com
Ramgeet Kaur

Ramgeet Kaur
“Keep Up!”
Ramgeet has been practicing Kundalini Yoga and Meditation since 1994 and teaching since 2015.
I became a teacher to “Keep Up”, to serve when a teacher was needed and be the teacher I needed myself. We begin class by chanting to invoke the wisdom and grace of the lineage. I’m so honored be a link in the chain, both as a teacher and as a student. We are all students and we are all teachers. We lead by example and uplift each other as we practice together.
We also tune into the Divine wisdom that we all have within ourselves. No matter what the teacher at the front of the room is doing or saying, I hope I can encourage everyone to Listen to and Trust what best serves their physical bodies at that moment. That might be pushing harder, modifying or only visualizing the posture in the mind. We develop our intuition to be our own best teachers.
An Arizona native, Ramgeet studied ecology and botany. Currently she makes spice mixes for people to make Mexican mole sauces at home, dances (mostly salsa, bachata, contra, 5 Rhythms) and gathers wild plants.
Hari Karan

Hari Karan
Owner of Infinite Potential Raton Yoga, Hari Karan immigrated to Raton, NM in 2013 from Trinidad & Tobago.
She is a 2nd Generation Yogi and a direct descendant of the indigenous Carib and Arawak tribes of the West Indies. As a down-to-earth KRI Certified Teacher and Practitioner of Kundalini Yoga (Level I and ongoing Level II), she also embraces practicing many other yogic, spiritual, and sound healing modalities. Passionate about achieving a happy and healthy balance in life, she enjoys guiding welcoming and comfortable, yet dynamic practices to help everyone get closer to unlocking their own infinite potential. She teaches weekly Kundalini yoga classes and fun Aqua Yoga/Fitness classes at her community Aquatic Center in Raton, NM. Grounded by her own Kundalini Yoga practice, she truly believes that by keeping up, she is kept up! Hari Karan lives up to her spiritual name by channeling her creativity, prosperity and kindness and allowing the Universe to work through her for the benefit and upliftment of others. She passionately embraces life and encourages all around her to do the same.
Barb Piasecki

Sant Saroop
Barb began teaching at age 12, when she was hired to teach Catholic religious studies to a 6 year old boy with autism.
She expanded her practice the following year coaching a boy’s “6 man” flag football team. It was during those fabulous football seasons that she realized the joy of motivating people to show up, keep up, and do their personal best. At age 16, Barb, and her sister, Joan, began organizing and leading week-long canoe trips for other teen-aged girls. She continued to organize extended wilderness trips including expeditions to the Arctic. For 26 years, as a middle and high school math and science teacher, Barb helped teenagers connect to their gifts and personal power, through compassion, connection, creativity, engaged learning, and so very much humor. After 20 years of a strong Hatha Yoga practice, the discovery of Kundalini Yoga in 2006 was the most beautiful lightning bolt of a gift from the Universe for her. Barb says, “It changes my life everyday in some way.” Sant Saroop has been teaching Kundalini Yoga since 2006. Along with the Kundalini Yoga tradition, she has studied many teachers from other traditions including Pema Chodron, Tara Brach, Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Gary Zukav, Dzigar Kongtrul, Anthony de Mello, and many others.
Libby Tej Bhagwati

Libby Tej Bhagwati
“All life is Yoga”
Libby grew up in India and lived 28 years in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
“Growing up and breathing spirituality in everyday life is a gift of many lifetimes.” Leaving India, Libby moved to Germany. “At a time when I was going through depression, I had my first Kundalini Yoga experience. It brought me a wholesome, balanced feeling of connectivity and bliss. Soon I was attending class regularly and began practicing on my own. Kundalini Yoga with its unique blend of Mantra, Kriya, Pranayam and Meditation, is for me the fastest, most effective way to becoming ‘real’. Kundalini Yoga tunes my body and nourishes my spiritual roots, bringing Prana, health, and joy into my life. It is from this place of joy and deep reverence that I wish to share the technology of Kundalini Yoga with all.”
Libby began practicing Kundalini Yoga in 2008. In 2012 Libby took her Kundalini Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training in Germany. In 2020 she renewed her Level 1 Teacher Training at Yoga4AllTucson. She has been teaching since January 2021. Libby works serving as a caregiver. Libby enjoys the outdoors, pet and garden sitting, cooking, and building community through practicing Yoga.
Alicia, or Soorya Nam

Soorya Nam
Alicia, or Soorya Nam, has learned on this path of life through Zen Buddhism, Hatha yoga, Ayurveda, Bhakti yoga, and Kundalini yoga.
And now so, she is integrating somatics into her practices. Soorya Nam’s classes will always remind you to honor your body and your autonomy. She aims to meet you where you’re at and teaches kundalini yoga as given with all its aspects of breathwork, mantra, yoga, and meditations. Kundalini yoga is a practical tool for today's world. I love these teachings and love to share them!
Soorya Nam has lived in Hawaii, Arizona, Utah, and Virginia. With these varied landscapes, she has developed a true love of mama earth. On most days you can catch her examining lizards or birds, finding a new pet to foster, or chasing down a sunset to admire. Outside of yoga, Soorya Nam works in technology and education, and loves travel and exploration. Soorya Nam studied hatha yoga at Open Space Yoga in Honolulu in 2015 (200 hr Yoga Alliance) and
kundalini yoga through Yoga4All Tucson in 2020 (KRI Level 1), along with formal studies in Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings and ayurvedic principles.’
Ajeet Bachan

Ajeet Bachan
Ajeet Bachan, born in Mexico, took his first in-person Kundalini Yoga class at Yoga4AllTucson in 2015, and has continued to grow along with this practice since.
“Kundalini Yoga has been such a kind gift to me, it is my wish to help share this ancient technology”. Ajeet Bachan has helped lead our monthly Aquarian Sadhana since 2022. “Every time we connect to our Self, we make it easier for others to shine their own light. Through this, it is my hope everyone in this world finds it easier to share their bright smile with one another.”